The Blue Marble November newsletter is focused on the challenges of hiring talent overseas, new immigration laws in France, and bridging the gap between domestic and international payroll.

The Top 3 Challenges of Hiring Talent Overseas
As your business expands, the need to hire talent overseas grows. The recruiting and hiring process in other countries is very different from the U.S., and can cause issues for companies trying to expand.

Here are the top 3 challenges companies face when hiring overseas: READ MORE

France Immigration Law Eases Visa Requirements for Foreign Nationals
Global People Strategist

France has welcomed and retained foreign talent with the implementation of their March 2016 immigration law, that introduced a new fast-tracked visa procedure to attract top tech talent. The law simplified rules on intracompany transfers, easing the review and approval process for visas and shortening processing times for assignees coming to France.

The new 2018 immigration law just introduced goes a step further, better defining certain categories of talented professionals and expanding eligibility to other categories. READ MORE

Bridging the Gap between Domestic and International Payroll
Andrew Porter, Regional Sales Executive

Managing US and international payroll is often a frustrating process. A common solution most companies choose is to leverage one vendor for US payroll and separate local providers for all other countries. While local vendors understand the regulations and how to process payroll according to local law, they often lack in reporting and service capabilities. When your US payroll vendor doesn’t integrate with the international vendors, there is no consistency or ability for global reporting.

The more countries you operate in, the more challenges there are with managing multiple processes, delayed or lack of reporting, and potential for compliance issues. READ MORE