The Blue Marble March 2018 newsletter is focused on changes to global payroll around the world, how to navigate an HR audit, and how to manage global HR compliance with a worldwide workforce.

Staying ahead of regulatory changes and ensuring your global teams are in compliance are just some of the ways we can help optimize your global operations!

Payroll Changes Around the World

Each year, governments around the world make changes to payroll and employment laws and regulations. Some changes impact payroll more significantly than others, but all new changes each year must be identified and appropriately managed to ensure compliance. If you are paying employees overseas, you must ensure your payroll stays ahead of the regulations so you aren’t stuck with penalties or fines. Here are a few current and upcoming changes that could affect your payroll processing around the world. READ MORE

It’s Not That Kind of Audit!

If you’re the kind of person whose hands get clammy upon hearing the word ‘audit’, relax!

HR Audits are a different party altogether. The primary purpose for conducting an HR audit is to identify what you’re already doing well and should maybe strengthen, and what you might be missing that are either required by law or as a general practice. You are not reporting any issues to the IRS! Instead, going through the process of conducting one, whether through in-house staff or an outside consultant, gives you the opportunity to make all the HR improvements you know your company needs. And, as an international employer, it’s even more important to conduct one from time to time, since it will only help you get better at keeping track of all the different compliance requirements in each country against whether or not you’re actually following these mandates. READ MORE

Managing Global HR Compliance

Running a global company has many challenges, and human capital management is usually at the top of the list. How do you manage a workforce in multiple countries while ensuring compliance with the laws and regulations in each country? READ MORE