The January 2022 newsletter discusses global payroll support and service, worker rights in third world countries, and global payroll vendor challenges.

Global Payroll Support and Service
No one talks about customer service until you need it and it’s not there. When it comes to global payroll, a delay in getting a question answered could be the difference between paying an employee correctly or causing a compliance issue. What happens when something goes wrong in the payroll process, or you have a compliance question? This is a familiar problem for many companies managing a global workforce. READ MORE

Worker Rights in Third World Countries
Global People Strategist
While globalization has created economic growth and improved international relations, it has sometimes been detrimental to those working in developing countries. There has been a significant rise in employment opportunities, but there has also been a cost. Despite labor laws imposed by the International Labor Organization worldwide, working conditions in third-world countries continue to be less than ideal. What are the standards mentioned in the Charter of Labor Laws published by the ILO, and how does it promise to protect the rights of workers in developing nations? LEARN MORE

Global Payroll Vendor Challenges
Jack Quinlan, Sales Executive
What happens when your global payroll vendor cancels your service because your employee count is “too small” for them? One of my clients was in the midst of a divestiture from their parent company and facing cancelation from their global payroll vendor at the same time. They needed a global payroll solution for a small number of global employees and wanted to simplify their US payroll as well, since they were using multiple systems in the US for different functions. There was a lack of data, and they had no insight or integration across multiple countries and systems. READ MORE